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Pressure is best for higher production or harder to remove surface material. (1588248674339)

Clemco Pulsar IX Suction and IX-P Pressure Blast Cabinets

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The Pulsar IX (suction or pressure) is the largest cabinet in the Pulsar series. It features a separate skid-mounted power module, large view window and a 2.0 cu.ft. capacity ASME-coded vessel on the pressure model. Work surface is flush with doorsill for easier access. Overall dimensions for cabinet are 87″ H, 61″ W x 57.5″ D. Working chamber dimensions are 45″ H x 55.5″ W x 50.5″ D. Power Module is 93″ H x 50″ W x 62″ D.

RP-2 Reverse-pulse cartridge dust collectors (which trap 99.7% of dust down to 0.5 micron) allow non-stop, high-production blasting. The polyester-cellulose cartridges are automatically pulse cleaned for maximum filter efficiency. Worn cartridges can be replaced in minutes. Timer-controlled auto-pulse is standard

Available Literature:
23352 - Pulsar IX Pressure PS
23351 - Pulsar IX Suction PS
23340 - Options Plus for Abrasive Blast Cabinets

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