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Clemco BNP 220 Suction Ergonomical  Blast Cabinet (1588245790755)

Clemco BNP 220 Suction Ergonomical Blast Cabinet

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Available with the same features as the BNP 220 pressure cabinet but with suction fed blasting which is not as high production .

  • Remove rust, mill scale, heat scale, and carbon buildup from metals
  • Strip paint, powder coating, plating, and anodizing from parts for rework
  • Eliminate burrs, parting lines, flashings, and other defects from castings and injection-molded parts
  • Extract residual sand from castings
  • Beautify steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and other metals with a uniform matte finish
  • Etch artwork and lettering into glass, stone, plastics, metal and other materials
  • Clean release agents and material buildup from molds

CDC-1 dust collectors come in three sizes; 300 cfm, 600 cfm, and 900 cfm. The cartridges are pulse-cleaned by pressing the manual pulse-valve to clear the filter of dust. Dimensions are 34" wide, 42" deep (with motor housing) and 94" high. MAH is 11 ft for the 300 cfm and 600 cfm units and 12-1/2 ft for the 900 cfm unit.

The RPC-2 has two cartridges which provide 470 sq ft of filter area. The cartridges are automatically pulse-cleaned for maximum filter efficiency. Dimensions are: 56" wide (with motor housing) by 30" deep by 67.5" high. The MAH for the RPC-2 series is 8 ft 10 inches.

The RPH-2 has a filter area of 470 sq ft; the RPH-3 has a 705 sq ft filter area. Both have a built-in hopper to minimize dust-handling. At each pulse, dust falls first into the hopper and then into a disposal drum or bag beneath it. The operator never handles the dust—an important safety feature. RPH dust collector dimensions are: 56" wide (with motor housing) by 36" deep by 115" high. The RPH is designed to allow outdoor installation. The MAH for the RPH collectors is 15 ft 2 inch.


Available Literature:
20008 - BNP 220 Suction Blast Cabinet
20009 - BNP 220 Pressure Blast Cabinet
14355 - A-300 Automation Kit for BNP 220
23340 - Options Plus for Abrasive Blast Cabinets

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