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K'A'RCHER 2250 PSI @ 4.5 GPM Direct Drive 9.5HP 220-240V Single Phase 30a K'a'cher Axial Pump Portable Electric Hot Water Pressure Washer Diesel Heated
K'A'RCHER 2250 PSI @ 4.5 GPM Direct Drive 9.5HP 220-240V Single Phase 30a K'a'cher Axial Pump Portable Electric Hot Water Pressure Washer Diesel Heated
K'A'RCHER 2250 PSI @ 4.5 GPM Direct Drive 9.5HP 220-240V Single Phase 30a K'a'cher Axial Pump Portable Electric Hot Water Pressure Washer Diesel Heated

K'A'RCHER 2250 PSI @ 4.5 GPM Direct Drive 9.5HP 220-240V Single Phase 30a K'a'cher Axial Pump Portable Electric Hot Water Pressure Washer Diesel Heated

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Jack of all trades.

The perfect hot water pressure washer for car dealers, building service contractors, agriculture and municipal use. The mid class machines set the standard in performance, ease of use, economy and service life.


eco!ef‹ciency mode — economical and environmentally friendly, even during longer periods of use, and this mode reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 20%
Easy!Force gun with cruise control like technology - uses its own recoil force to hold the trigger down - so, no more sore hands after hours of use


  1. 4.118-005.0 EASY!Force trigger gun (German model) - zero force required. 
  2. 4.112-000.0 41" spray lance 
  3. 6.110-029.0 50' EASY!Lock Longlife hose with ANTI!Twist connection 
  4. 2.113-010.0 Power nozzle, 048 (for machine 1.071-906.0) 
  5. 2.113-012.0 Power nozzle, 062 (for machine 1.071-908.0) 
  6. 2.113-021.0 Power nozzle, 040 (for machine 1.071-911.0) 
  7. 2.113-026.0 Power nozzle, 060 (for machine 1.071-907.0) 

Optional Accessories

  1. 4.111-041.0 Adapter for EASY!Force trigger gun connecting to 3/8" hose $15.90
  2. 4.118-008.0 Servo control $91.00
  3. 8.750-685.0 100' pivot reel $393.00
  4. 8.921-775.0 Hose reel bracket (complete with Easy!Lock adapter, street elbow and 6' jumper hose)


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