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Titan FlexSpray Handheld Disinfectant Electric Pressure Sprayer
Titan FlexSpray Handheld Disinfectant Electric Pressure Sprayer

Titan FlexSpray Handheld Disinfectant Electric Pressure Sprayer

#5 Best Selling Product
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FlexSpray™ puts the power of airless and the control of HVLP into one versatile sprayer creating the first multi-tool for painting professionals. FlexSpray’s advanced technology was developed for professionals who spray a variety of coatings with multiple applications. Just pull the trigger and your interior, exterior or fine finishing project will finish with ease.

  • Built with Jetforce Technology® delivering the power of a 4 stage turbine
  • 10x the life of a handheld airless sprayer
  • Control that delivers a vertical, horizontal or round fan pattern
  • The revolutionary Quick Change System allows you to change coatings and applications in a snap
  • Change from the high production FlexFinish front end to the precise FineFinish front end with a twist
  • Follow the manufacturer’s safety recommendations for wearing proper PPE.
  • Thoroughly read the operating manual of the sprayer before using.
  • Review and follow the recommendations contained in the manufacturers material and product safety data sheets.
  • When using any materials that contain Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, Quaternary Ammonia, Sodium Hypochlorite, Ethanol, or Hypochlorous Acid, the units should be flushed immediately after each use. Most of these materials are highly corrosive and should never be left in the pumps longer than 15 minutes after spraying.
  • The sprayer should always be located outside the area that you are spraying at all times.
  • Check the filters in the gun and sprayer daily after each use and clean or replace as necessary.
  • Do not spray any electrical devices and equipment.


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