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Clemco BNP 166 Series Tumble Barrel Blast Cabinets (1587573063715)

Clemco BNP 166 Series Tumble Barrel Blast Cabinets

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3 cu.ft. cap. barrel (24" dia x 36" wide),
300 lb max. load weight
six #5 boron carbide nozzles

Constant-speed-drive electrical package: exhauster on/off, 60 min. manual reset timer, barrel jog switch, constant speed barrel drive (2.6 rpm), safety door interlock, JIC enclosure, three-phase, 60 hz electrics (specify 230v or 460v).

Variable-speed-drive electrical package: exhauster on/off, 60 min auto-reset timer, blast gun on/off, sequence on/off, barrel jog, variable speed barrel drive (up to 6.6 rpm), safety door interlock, NEMA 12 enclosure, three-phase, 60 hz electrics (specify 230v or 460v)

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